The postal service has been kept busy these past 2 weeks! Lots of boxes are starting to arrive full of beautiful, colorful yarn and supplies! We are only just getting the chance to start opening them up.  We hope to be able to write to each of you who have left a mailing address and thank you personally. But for now, here is a picture of all the goodness that has arrived!

Thank you so much for all your kind words, support and generous giving!  We hope to start distributing this yarn next Tuesday at the next Yarn Alive class.  So stay tuned for some more photos!

Hello Yarn Lovers

We are finally live!

We were getting so many inquiries about Yarn Alive at Japan Alive’s website that we had to create our own blog.

So the big answer to all your questions is YES we would love to accept your donations of yarn, needles, hooks, books and all things yarn related! Any kind is fine – we don’t discriminate 🙂

Check out our Get Involved page for details and stay tuned to this site for more pictures and stories of what is happening because of your generous support!