これはチュニジアのかぎ針編みのアフガンの未完成品です。完成させるためには繋ぎ合わせ が要るのですが、さてどのようにしましょうか?皆で思案中。

UFO Unfinished Object (Project). Many times were are given UFOs. This is an unfinished Tunisian crochet afghan. All that remains is the colorful cross stitch and assembly. What shall we do??

お祝いの時パート2 A season to celebrate Part II

ヤーンアライブはただ編み物をするだけの場では なく、共に時間を過ごし分かち合う場です。今日は、水曜日のクラスでメンバーたちが分かち合い、感謝し合いました。

Yarn Alive is not just about knitting and crocheting, but about spending time together and sharing life. Today, it was the Wednesday’s class to celebrate and share life!

お祝いの時 A season to celebrate

今日は、ヤーンアライブのいままでの活動を振り返り、多くの支援者に支えられてきたことに感謝 しました。
Today we took the time to just celebrate. To look back at all that has been achieved and be thankful for all that has been given.

Teddy shared about the celebration of the season of Cherry Blossoms. Cherry blossoms in Japan are richly symbolic. Cherry blossoms symbolize the transience of life – extreme beauty and quick death. But we like to think of cherry blossoms as a reminder of new life, a new season with incredible beauty.

皆さん一緒に春の唄を歌いました。Here are some traditional Spring songs we sang together.


And of course with any celebration comes good food!

Odango – A Japanese Spring dessert

今週はイースター。新しい命を祝う時です。It’s also a time to celebrate Easter and the new life that it represents.


And, we also celebrated the Philippines Project!  Although delayed in sending the blankets, we plan to now send them in the first week of May. 80 young boys and girls in Leyte, Philippines who were affected by Typhoon Heiyan, will receive some love from Japan!  We love creating and we love giving! We think that is worth celebrating.

フィリピンプロジェクトのブランケット!写真撮影のため皆さん造った作品を探しました. Checking out all the blankets that have been created for the Philippines Project! Lots of celebration as the ladies searched for the creations so that we could get a group photo.

Amazing Angora

沢山の毛糸を送ってくださり、 技術的にもいろいろ教えてくださっているいのえさんという支援者がいらっしゃいます。これは、いのえさんのアドバイスを受けてあいかわさんが編んだアンゴラ混じりのセーターです。素敵でしょ?

Our long time supporter and friend Inoesan, has donated so many boxes of yarn and taught us many new techniques. For example, check out this Angora blend felted sweater that Aikawasan made.


祝福されています。 Feeling Blessed


A big THANK YOU to Chihiro Komakine who drove all the way up from Tokyo (that’s a 5 hour drive!) to join our class and deliver boxes of yarn and supplies from Hirose Sensei and the Aoyama Class.