
可愛い赤ちゃん用の作品をご覧ください!日赤病院に入院している未熟児 の赤ちゃんたちに贈ることになっています。赤ちゃんたちとご家族が少しでも暖かさに包まれることを願っています。

Check out all the adorable mini baby clothes! These precious items will soon be donated to the Sendai Red Cross Hospital that delivers premature babies. We hope they will bring comfort to the babies and their families.

Minutes of Glory

Today we were visited by NHK Miyagi who are doing a short feature on Yarn Alive!

放送日は県内で1月28日です。Our short minutes of glory will be featured on January 28, NHK Miyagi.

今年も素晴らしい年になりますよう! It’s going to be a great 2015!


It was great to reconnect with everyone today as this was the first class for the year! Today we shared with one another, showed off what we’ve been making during the past cold winter weeks, and visioned for the future! It’s going to be a great 2015!

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