日本とヨルダンで笑顔 Smiling in Japan and Jordan



In today’s class, we were able to show some photos that we received last night of the Syrian refugees in Jordan receiving our goods!

So wonderful to see smiles on both their faces (Japan and Jordan!)


愛の箱 Boxes of love


Thank you to all the people who responded to the recent newspaper article in Chunichi Newspaper and for attending the exhibition and buying Yarn Alive goods! We are overwhelmed with your generosity and support!


いない、いない、ばぁ!Peek a Boo!

これは、シリア難民新生児に贈るベピーウェアーのプレビューです! ヨルダンへ贈るために寄付したい方はウェブサイトをご覧ください。http://yarnalive.com/donate/

Here’s a peek preview of some of the baby wear we are sending to the Syrian refugee newborns!  If you would like to donate towards sending these items to Jordan, please visit our website: http://yarnalive.com/donate/

Collection day!




It was a wonderful day of seeing everyone’s beautiful handwork! This Tuesday class has been working hard at making some incredibly cute baby wear.

We are so excited to be sending one of our representatives to hand deliver the baby wear to Jordan by the end of this month.  Not only will this ensure the safety of the items ending up in the right hands but will also give us a great opportunity to be on the ground and see the situation along with reporting the impact of this project.

If you would like to donate towards sending the items to Jordan, please visit our website: http://yarnalive.com/donate/