Fun to be a blessing

昨日は地元の保育園にYarn Alive の膝かけを寄付する事が出来ました!アレルギーの問題もあって、園児71人の子供達には与えられませんでしたが、25人のスタッフ全員に配る事が出来ました。新しい設置が寒いとのことでブランケットのプレゼントを喜んでいました。些細なことでも祝福になれればとても嬉しいです。

私たちは未だフィリピンプロジェクトに取り組んでいます。3月から4月の間に78のブランケットを寄付する予定です。また、他にもYarn Aliveが加われるプロジェクトなどのアイディアがある方はどうぞyarnalive@gmail.comまでメールでお知らせ下さい!

Yesterday we were able to give a local nursery some Yarn Alive lap blankets! Although we could not give the blankets to the 71 children due to potential allergies, we were able to bless the 25 dedicated workers. They were so excited to received the blankets especially as they shared that their new building was very cold. It’s always fun to be a blessing even if it is only in a small way!

We are still working hard on our Philippine Project of putting together 78 blankets and sending them in March/April. But if you know of a project that Yarn Alive could contribute to in the future, please email us at! 

ポケット Pockets


今度はブラウスにポケットを編み込んだあいかわさんの素敵なアイディア 。いつも驚くようなアイディアでメンバーを刺激してくれます。皆さんは何にポケットをつけてみたいですか?


Aikawasan continues to amaze us with her cleverness. She has sewn on her own pockets to her blouse. Aren’t they fun? What would you want to add pockets to?


クローズアップ A closer look


We got more blankets for our Philippines Project in today’s class. So here is a closer look at some of the blankets that we have received so far!  Don’t you love all the different designs?

完成されたブランケットがやって来る The blankets are starting to roll in….

We are loving these blankets that the ladies have already completed for our Philippine Project!
There was lots of clapping and close inspections as we admired one another’s handiwork.
Seikosan had enough yarn left over to make these adorable kid shawls!
目標まであと50枚。 So now we have 50 more blankets to go! 🙂

子供たちかぎ針を習う Kids learn to Crochet

子供のためのかぎ針教科書!説明はシンプルで写真は楽しくて可愛い!残念ながら日本語版は未だないのですが、いつか出来ればと思います。YarnAlive キッズもあれば最高ですね?!

We are loving this book Kids Learn to Crochet which teaches kids to crochet! The instructions are simple and the pictures are adorable and fun!

Unfortunately it does not come in Japanese but hopefully it will one day! Wouldn’t that be great to have Yarn Alive for kids?!

セーターラブ Sweater Love


It is always fun to have the ladies show up to Yarn Alive wearing their new handmade outfits! They love sharing their skills and we love admiring them!