About ヤーンアライブとは

In July 2011, expat, Teddy Sawka, developed an initiative called “Yarn Alive” under the branch of her NGO, Japan Alive.  This initiative began out of the heart to bring tsunami-affected women of all ages together to learn how to crochet/knit and support one another during post tsunami recovery.

Donors from around the world, as well as Japan, have given yarn, needles and hooks for these women to gather weekly in community centers at temporary housing units in Shichigahama.

We discovered that giving people a project to do with their hands helped alleviate depression and anxiety.  Yarn Alive’s first project was to make small blankets that were donated to a group in Kessenuma who had also suffered greatly during the earthquake and tsunami.  We found that although these women were also victims, they found it a blessing to be able to help others.

Not only has coming together helped counteract loneliness but it has also help unite women from different areas of Shichigahama who never knew each other before the tsunami.  As a result, the concept of gathering together and being able to share their stories has brought much healing.

​2011年7月、同年3月11日の東北大震災と津波で被災した女性たちに手編みを通して お互いを支え合おうという趣旨で、サーカ テディーさんが彼女のNGOジャパンアライブの下部組織としてヤーンアライブを始めました。

日本を含む世界中から毛糸、針、鍵棒、ボタンなどが寄付され、被災した女性たち が七ヶ浜の仮設住宅のコミュニティーセンターに毎週集まり編み物を始めました。​

皆で集まって編み物をすることが被災者の悲嘆や不安を和らげる助けとなるとサーカさんは実感するようになりました。 ​


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